Thursday, June 26, 2008

Paul quits

Paul quits
Thursday, June 26 2008

With crime at its highest ever, Trevor Paul has quit as Commissioner of Police breaking the year-long extension he had to continue to serve as head of the Police Service.

Paul advised the members of his executive of his decision during a meeting at the Police Administration Building in Port-of-Spain on Tuesday.

Sources said Paul felt he had done all that he could to lead the Police Service in its fight against crime, which has risen to unprecedented levels with murders standing at 243 for this year to date.

Paul is expected to leave on Monday and he has already begun to pack his books and personal documents and mementos from his service of over 40 years.

“Monday might be my last day in office. I have done my part and it is time to move on,” he told his executive of Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACPs) on Tuesday.

When contacted yesterday, Paul would only say, “When I am leaving office you will know, I will tell you myself.”

Paul had been asked to stay on for an additional year as the top cop although his official retirement date was November 9, 2007.

Sources said Paul’s decision to break his extension before November is expected to put additional pressure on the Government to get debate moving in Parliament on the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police (CoP).

Well at last! This total waste of a Police Officer will be shipping out. His tenure will be remembered as one in which the CoP was the biggest failure in this country.

But really all that focker wanted was to get he pension. Now he goin to live like some big pappy at the expense of the citizens of T&T.

How we so dotish in this country.

Now another duncee head nigga will take his place and the same shit will continue. Another PNM cont.

Wanna bet ?


Anonymous said...

Trevor Paul bredda linked to take over the CoP post.

Anonymous said...

i hope you are joking ^^^^^

Anonymous said...

Yeah ah hear something so ah while dem people plan to rope in Trevor Paul brother to take over the CoP post.

Anonymous said...

i hope the good lord will help us and make that rumor an unfulfilled one.